Solopreneur News Roundup, 4/15/11

Hello solopreneurs, and here is the news from this week.  I read dozens of newsletters and Google Alerts to pick just a few choice items that are worth your precious time.  If you’d like to see these items and a few select others in your Facebook feed, come over and like on my page.  Since it is Friday, I’d like to remind and nudge you to make sure to schedule some time off this weekend. Nobody can do what you do exactly how you do it, so it’s important that you refuel so you can keep going!

I’m having my in-laws up for the afternoon on Saturday so they can see our new flooring! We’ve been renovating for over 5 years, and they saw this place before we even purchased it so this is a big “reveal” event!

Tell me about your plans to refuel this weekend in the comments!

Here’s the news:

Success is often build by just plodding through with small steps day after day. Good habits are critical to success!

9 Bad Behaviors of Struggling Startup Founders

It’s tempting to justify expenses when they are for business, but don’t give in too much!  Staying lean in your spending will help you be successful.

4 Indulgences Your Business Can’t Afford

Here’s a great, short description of strategic planning in just 3 steps.

3 Steps to Better Management

If you’re not seeing results from your business efforts on Facebook, join me for this webinar.  Hubspot knocks it out of the park on their FREE webinars so it will be worth it to go.

Tools for Effective Facebook Marketing

Here’s an inspiring case which shows you can build a successful business doing what others are already doing by finding a better way to do it.  Don’t be discouraged by having competition – there’s only one you so nobody can do your work the way you do.

Changing retail $1 at a time

That’s the news…. See you Monday!

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