Bright, Shiny Object Syndrome

Ask Me Anything, Segment 10

(Prefer to read instead of watch?  Scroll down below the video player for a summary.)

It’s really easy to get sidetracked by the next big thing or the next bright, shiny object.  It’s critical to stay focused and finish projects before moving on to the next one.  You can find the entire Ask Me Anything series on my blog or YouTube channel under Ask Me Anything.

If you prefer to read instead of watch, here are the notes for this video:

  • Bright, shiny object syndrome is a funny name for a very real problem faced by entrepreneurs.  We can get distracted by the next new idea before we take time to finish what we are working on.
  • New ideas are especially tempting to entrepreneurs because we love new ideas and like to take action and try new things.
  • One of the things that separates the superstars from the middle of the pack is the ability to persevere and finish projects even when they get boring.
  • Learning can be a huge bright, shiny object.  Make sure to take the time to implement what you learn before moving on to learning something else.
  • One of the things I can help you with is finishing what you start.  I can help you to know exactly what to be working on.  I would love to be one of the people you learn from.  Click on the green “Send Me More” button below the video, enter your name and email address, and I’ll send you tips and strategies just for solopreneurs.

How to handle your infinite to do list (To Do List Tip #1)

(Prefer to read instead of watch?  Scroll down for a summary.)

As a one-person business, your to do list is literally infinite.  There is an unlimited number of things you could be doing to build your business.  This video teaches you how to know what to work on.   Link mentioned in video:

Summary here:

  • As a solopreneur, your to do list is infinite – there is literally always more you could be doing to build and promote your business.
  • It’s no surprise that so many solopreneurs feel overwhelmed!
  • Having a solid strategy for your business will help you know what to work on.
  • With a strategy, you know exactly how to find new prospects and convert them to clients.
  • You can confidently say yes or no to any opportunity depending on whether it fits into your strategy or not.
  • Takeaway: Don’t even try to do everything you hear about.  Have a strategy so you know exactly what to work on.
  • If you liked this tip, go to and get a copy of my free report “The 5 Biggest Mistakes Solopreneurs Make in Writing Their Daily To-Do List and How to Avoid Them.”
  • Please use the social sharing buttons below this video to share the video with your friends and colleagues who would find it valuable.

Learning new stuff is way more fun than working!

Ask Me Anything, Segment 9

(Prefer to read instead of watch?  Scroll down below the video player for a summary.)

In this video, I talk about the trap of avoiding work you find unpleasant by spending too much time learning. This is Segment 9 in the Ask Me Anything series. You can find the entire series on my blog or YouTube Channel under Ask Me Anything.

If you prefer to read instead of watch, here are the notes for this video:

  • It’s easy to get sidetracked when you are learning too many different things from too many different people.
  • Learning can be used to procrastinate the work you really need to be doing to create income.
  • It’s important to always be investing in yourself by learning new things about your business, but balance this with the need to implement what you learn.
  • I help people to have a streamlined, efficient business and to know exactly what to be working on and what not to be working on.  Click on the “Send Me More” button below the video player so I can send you more great tips and strategies for running your solopreneur business.

Measure your results to improve them

Use Metrics to Know What Works

From my book “Use Metrics to Know What Works“…

One of the hallmarks of successful entrepreneurs is that they take action. They don’t wait for the time to be perfect or for some mythical moment when everything lines up, they get busy and get going. This is a hugely important trait for success, but it can also be a curse. The problem is that many entrepreneurs are so action oriented that they go off in random directions with no plan. It’s not enough just to take action – you have to be taking action on the right things.

This is where a lot of entrepreneurs get into trouble. Yes, you do need to be taking consistent action, but if you don’t take some time first to determine what you should be doing there’s a good chance of not getting the results you want. The problem is that it is really hard for an action-oriented entrepreneur whose idea keeps him up at night to take a step back and do some research and planning. Later, the problem becomes taking the time to measure and analyze results when you would rather be doing more.

So many business operate like this:

  • Start doing something in hopes of growing your business
  • Sales don’t come as desired
  • Add another activity
  • Repeat

Can you see the problems with this approach? First, you can only repeat this cycle for so long. There is an absolute upper limit to the amount of activity that you can add to your business. At some point, you will run out of hours in the week. Second, if you keep adding new things without taking away anything you’ll end up with a bigger and bigger list of activities to keep up with. Your attention becomes split and you end up expending a lot of energy switching between and managing all your projects. Third and most serious is that you have absolutely no way to improve. There’s no feedback or indication of what’s working or not and how to improve. This is the biggest problem of all because testing, measuring and adapting is the only sure way you have of making sure you are on a path of continual improvement. Continuing to blindly add activities with no clear plan is like trying to get across town on your bicycle by pedaling faster and making random turns. If you don’t stop and consult a map before and during your trip, you won’t know if you are even heading in the right direction. All of that activity may actually be taking you further from your destination.

It’s almost impossible to get things just right on the first try. That’s where being action-oriented is an asset – as an action taker you just get out there and do something. However, the shortest path to success after you take action is to learn from that experience and adapt your next attempt.

When you take action with no planning, there is no way to measure and no way to close the loop. Everything you do will be just random shooting in the dark with no way to adapt and learn. Often the only feedback you get is “that didn’t work.”

For all of these reasons, metrics (i.e. measuring your results) is often one of the first areas I work on with my clients because we really can’t begin coaching and moving forward effectively until they have a feedback loop in place. As much as I wish I could, I simply can’t pull the right answers out of nothing. I need data to work with in the first place and a way to measure results once our ideas are implemented.

If you aren’t doing any metrics, or you want to see how metrics can help you, head over to the Kindle store and grab my book “Use Metrics to Know What Works.”  This article is taken from Chapter 1, and the rest of the book teaches you not only the principles of metrics but how to do metrics for specific purposed in your business.  Grab your copy here:

Use Metrics to Know What Works

(No Kindle device?  No problem!  You can download a free Kindle app for your phone or tablet, or install the free Kindle reader for your desktop.)

Use Metrics to Know What Works

Use Metrics to Know What WorksToday is an exciting day!  My newest Kindle book is now available!

(Can’t wait? Here’s the link!)

This book will teach you how to stop guessing, flying by the seat of your pants and running yourself ragged just to make a living.

In this book, I teach the basics of metrics, or using measurement to know what is and isn’t working.  As a one-person operation, you simply cannot afford to be wasting time on things that don’t bring your results.  Without a way to know for sure how well your efforts are paying off, how do you know where to spend your time?

This book is written specifically with you, the solopreneur, in mind.  After laying out some general concepts on metrics, I show you where to start and exactly what to measure.  The book even includes a downloadable starter kit with a tutorial video so you can get started right away.

Click the link below and grab your copy today:

Use Metrics to Know What Works

No Kindle device?  No problem!  You can get the free Kindle app for your smartphone or tablet or use the free Kindle desktop reader.

Get your book copy here

If you aren’t sure if this is for you, I invite you to imagine how great it would be if you knew you were working on the best thing you could be doing right now.  That’s the confidence and clarity that measuring your result can bring.  Get started today by downloading your book here.

Automate Your Grunt Work – free sample chapters!

The Solopreneur's Success Strategy: Automate Your Grunt WorkOne of the biggest problems solopreneurs face is how to get it all done.  There’s so much to do, and only you to do it.  Even if you use outsourced help, there is still an infinite amount of things you could do to grow your business and you can only do some of them.

Part of managing your workload is making sure you are working on the right things and not wasting time on activities that don’t produce results.  For the activities that do add value or simply need to be done, I suggest automating as much as possible.  Automation has several advantages over doing it yourself or having someone do it for you, and some of those advantages are:

  • Automation can run with little or no management.  Once you set up an automated process, it can often run with no intervention by you indefinitely.
  • Automation is cheaper.  Many of the tools I use are free or very inexpensive.
  • Automated process are generally error free.  Even the best and most conscientious human will make mistakes, but computers don’t.  A well-designed process can save you mistakes later.

I believe that automation is important enough to solopreneurs that I’ve written an entire book on the subject.  I’d like to offer you a free sample, so you can see how automation can help your business be more streamlined.  If you are interested in getting two complete chapters from my book “Automate Your Grunt Work,” fill in the form below and the chapters will be on their way!

The first two things to learn when you are just starting your solopreneur business

Ask Me Anything, Segment 6

Earlier this year, I gave my email subscribers the chance to ask me anything they wanted to about their business.  In this video, I share the two things that I think are important for new solopreneur business owners to focus on learning when they are just starting out. This is Segment 6, and the link I mention in the video is here:

Brand new: Strategic Solopreneurs Facebook group!

Strategic Solopreneurs on FacebookWant to connect with other business owners rocking the solopreneur business world?  Come join this brand new Facebook group that is just for people who love their one-person business.

Who is this for?  Anybody who dreams of a successful, sustainable and profitable one-person business.  It can be done and it is a joyful way to work.  However, just because you’re a solopreneur doesn’t mean you can or should go it completely alone.  Share your successes and challenges, get ideas and input and contribute what you do best.

Ready to join?  Click the link below and request to join.  Your request will be approved within 1 business days in most cases.

Strategic Solopreneurs Facebook Group

Want more information before you join?  The group guidelines are in the “About” section at the link above, and a copy is pasted below for your convenience.  See you there!

Welcome smart business owner! I’m so excited that you have embraced the simple and profitable solopreneur business model. In this group you’ll find a wide variety of businesses, but we share a common love of running a one-person business.

Here you can find connection and interaction that working alone can be lacking. We’re about helping each other and learning, not spam or promotion.

Questions are welcome! You can ask about best practices, which tools to use, what’s working now, or get opinions on your ideas. Please refrain from posting questions that are easily answered with a Google search. Part of being a successful solopreneur means that you are willing to do research when you need to learn something new.

You may post to the wall at any time, but there is a specific theme for each weekday. If you want to participate in that day’s theme, post your response in the comments of the post showing that day’s theme. Promotion is only allowed on Thursday when that is the theme of the day, and you may only post a promotion in the thread for the theme of the day. Promotion includes both paid and free offers.

Here’s a peek at the weekly lineup:

  • Metrics Monday – We’ll take a look at one thing you can be measuring to help you businesses
  • Social Tuesday – Connect and share on other social networks
  • Strategy Wednesday – Make sure you know why you are doing every single thing you do
  • Promo Thursday – Post your free and paid offers in the thread for today’s theme
  • Fun Friday – This will be all about fun and getting to know each other
  • Wellness Weekends – Thoughts on leisure, recreation, quiet time and time off.

To help you become more productive and feel less overwhelmed right away, I have a free report for you that gives you simple changes you can make to your daily to-do list that you can start doing today! Grab the report here:





Product Review – Business Marketing With Pinterest

Business Marketing with PinterestMy first exposure to Pinterest was through Facebook, where I would see some of what my friends posted.  I enjoyed what I saw, which was mainly food, pets and fashion.  Given what I was experiencing, I couldn’t see how I could use Pinterest for my business.  Pinterest is all about beautiful images (or so I thought), and my business doesn’t readily create vivid images.  I held out and didn’t jump in because I have a rule in my business:

I don’t add anything new until I know exactly how it will help my business and how to measure if it is working.

So, I waited and watched Pinterest grow.  I saw the buzz and began to see case studies of people with businesses similar to my own getting amazing results.  By results, I mean sales, leads and exposure to new people.  I did some reading up and thought I understood enough to make Pinterest work for me and so I jumped in.  I created my account and began pinning away.  When I tried to measure my results, well, I couldn’t.  You can’t really measure zero.

That’s right, zero.  I got no new customers or leads, and very little traffic from Pinterest at first.  I chalked it up as a failed experiment and moved on but kept my account so I could gaze at puppies, recipes I would never make and beautiful home ideas that I would never use.  Fast forward a few months and one of my most trusted colleagues starts getting great results (traffic, leads and INCOME) from Pinterest and creates a training to help other people duplicate her success.  Ok, now I’m intrigued.  What did I miss?

I purchased Business Marketing with Pinterest by Becky Sangha, and committed to watching the entire thing and implementing every step of it.  That last part is really important – as with any training, for it to do any good you have to consume it (watch, read, listen, etc) AND implement what you are learning.  No training will help you if it sits on your hard drive or bookshelf and you don’t act on it.  The same is true with this training.

What I learned was that Pinterest is a traffic driving machine!  The very first week I checked my traffic stats after starting this training, Pinterest was in my top ten sources of referral traffic!  Keep in mind that I had only just gotten started and hadn’t even done that much.  By week two, Pinterest was my #4 source of referral traffic and my #7 source overall, and I still hadn’t implemented the entire system!  After using the system for about a year, Pinterest is consistently in my  top ten traffic sources every week.

What’s really great about Pinterest traffic is that these visitors are interested in what you have to offer!  The very name of the site is a combination of “Pin” and “interest,” and you create pinboards based on interest.  A person wouldn’t be following your boards or clicking your pins if they weren’t interested by what they saw.  I find that Pinterest traffic tends to stay on my site for longer and look at more pages while they are there.

So the verdict on this training is a big thumbs up!  Not only does it deliver great results, it’s laid out in a systematic way that makes it easy to follow and implement.  Becky has a great teaching style and does something I think is really important – she explains the reasons behind everything she tells you to do.  She also gives you everything you need to get completely up to speed.  Even if you have no idea what subjects you could create pins about, she has you covered!

I suggest you grab this product if:

  • You want to use Pinterest for your business (don’t try to figure it out yourself!)
  • You have a website that you want more interested traffic for
  • You have a business that isn’t particularly visual and want to know how you can use Pinterest anyway
  • You already know how great Pinterest is, but don’t know what kind of pins to create for your business
  • You enjoy Pinterest for personal use but aren’t sure how to make the leap to using it for business

Check out Business Marketing with Pinterest and let me know what you think!

I’m a proud affiliate for this program, and the above links are affiliate links.

What to do with experts you don’t need now

Ask Me Anything, Segment 5

Earlier this year, I gave my email subscribers the chance to ask me anything about their business.  In this video, I give you some ideas about what to do with experts who teach great information that you don’t need right now.  I’ll be answering more questions over the coming weeks and months, so be sure to fill in your name and email address in the box below the video so you can get your questions answered in the next Ask Me Anything.


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