
Hi and welcome to my site!

I wanted to start my blog by explaining why I love solopreneur businesses.  I spent the first few years of my career working for corporate America, and by the time I escaped I was so miserable I never wanted anything to do with business again.  I took a few months off to travel the USA, and then some temp work led to a small consulting practice.  By then I was in LA, where there were loads of creative types needing business help.

I still hadn’t quite gotten the right mix of services in my practice though, and closed the practice to spend a few years working in a non-profit serving the clients of the facility.  I began getting interested in blogging, social media and web 2.0 stuff in early 2008, and in January of 2009 I launched my own solopreneur business as a professional organizer.  Over time, I niched down further and further until I was just providing time management and productivity consulting for entrepreneurs.

From that specialized practice came my current business combining business experience, strategic thinking and productivity.  I did a lot of masterminding with trusted colleagues, past clients and people who would be ideal clients.  What came out of it is that my mission is to help solopreneurs with the business side of their work so they can focus on bringing their unique gifts to the world.  I believe that solopreneur businesses are going to be a powerful force in the post-recession economy, and I see the amazing, positive change they bring to the world.  I want to be part of that, to help you create a solid business foundation so you can do your work in the world.

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