Free training with Lisa Sasevich

Lisa Sasevich trainingIf you chosen your solopreneur business well, you probably love what you do. Sometimes though, it can be a struggle to make money doing what you love.

Or, you might be making some money but are super busy working with clients one-on-one. You’ve capped your income and time off because there aren’t any more hours in the week.

If this is you, then I have a fabulous new video training for you from one of my personal sales mentors Lisa Sasevich. Lisa helped me make a major transition in my business where the sales process is concerned. When I started my business in 2009, I would have picked dental work over having a sales conversation. Now, I actually like to sell and feel like I am doing a service in the world when I make offers. I credit Lisa’s training with helping me make that change and I want this feeling for you too!

Check out Lisa’s new free training video here:

Make Money With Your Passion

When you go to the above link and watch Lisa’s new video, you’ll discover a tool that many of her clients have used to transform their businesses from struggling to profitable while fully leveraging their passions (and I’ve used it too!).

Imagine – Finally being able to successfully combine doing what you love AND being paid handsomely for it.

Watch Lisa’s video as soon as you can so you can start selling more, doing it efficiently and feeling good about it!

Click here to watch:

Make Money With Your Passion

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