Free training with Lisa Sasevich

Lisa Sasevich trainingIf you chosen your solopreneur business well, you probably love what you do. Sometimes though, it can be a struggle to make money doing what you love.

Or, you might be making some money but are super busy working with clients one-on-one. You’ve capped your income and time off because there aren’t any more hours in the week.

If this is you, then I have a fabulous new video training for you from one of my personal sales mentors Lisa Sasevich. Lisa helped me make a major transition in my business where the sales process is concerned. When I started my business in 2009, I would have picked dental work over having a sales conversation. Now, I actually like to sell and feel like I am doing a service in the world when I make offers. I credit Lisa’s training with helping me make that change and I want this feeling for you too!

Check out Lisa’s new free training video here:

Make Money With Your Passion

When you go to the above link and watch Lisa’s new video, you’ll discover a tool that many of her clients have used to transform their businesses from struggling to profitable while fully leveraging their passions (and I’ve used it too!).

Imagine – Finally being able to successfully combine doing what you love AND being paid handsomely for it.

Watch Lisa’s video as soon as you can so you can start selling more, doing it efficiently and feeling good about it!

Click here to watch:

Make Money With Your Passion

Independence Day coaching sessions still on sale!

Independence Day SaleIn honor of the Independence Day holiday last week, I have a special way for you to work one-on-one with me that I’ve never offered before!  There’s no contract, no long-term commitment and no complicated package.  It’s simple and can help you make a big leap forward in your business quickly!

You have a huge degree of flexibility in how you use your sessions, and I’ve given you ideas to think about on the information page.  I’ve coached solopreneurs since 2010, so there are a lot of areas I can help with.  Click the link below to get inspired about how we can work together!

The offer is only good until Thursday, so click here to get details and book your sessions!

Independence Day Coaching Session sale

PS – This offer was opened for my email subscribers last week.  If you want priority notification of upcoming special offers and useful content to help you grow your solopreneur business, fill out the box at the top of the right sidebar to join my email subscriber list.

13 Gifts for Business Freedom Giveaway closes tomorrow!

Business Freedom GiveawayJust a quick note to let you know that the giveaway event I’m participating in is closing tomorrow.  There are 13 great gifts for you to download, and they are all designed around the theme of freedom in your business.  Make sure to get the gifts you want before the giveaway closes.

Grab your gifts here:

13 Gifts for Business Freedom Giveaway


13 Gifts for Business Freedom Giveaway event!

Business Freedom GiveawayIt’s the week of Independence Day here in the US, and while it’s become known as “The 4th of July,” I prefer to call the holiday by the formal name in order to acknowledge the meaning of the day.  I grew up in Philadelphia where much of the founding of the US took place, so I have a special place in my heart for this holiday.

In honor of Independence Day, I’m participating in a special independence-themed giveaway event.  Myself and 12 other business owners have gotten together and created a page where you can download gifts from all of us to help you grow your business, achieve greater visibility, have a bigger impact and yes, make more money. Grab your gifts here: 13 Gifts for Business Freedom Giveaway I encourage you to visit the page as soon as you can – the giveaway only goes until the 9th.

List-a-palooza 2014 starts tomorrow!

List-a-Palooza 2014Tomorrow is the beginning of List-a-Palooza, a free listbuilding training that lasts all summer long.  This will be my third year participating in it, and if I’m coming back again you know I have to like it!

(Already know you want in?  Click here to sign up)

For starters, what is lisbuilding and why should you care?  Listbuilding is the collecting and growth of a list of email addresses from people who have said they want to hear from you.  It’s arguable the single most valuable activity you can do in your business.  Click here for my article “The Top Ten Reasons You Need To Be Email Marketing” for a quick explanation if you are not familiar with listbuilding or email marketing.

List-a-Palooza is for growing your list.  It’s a 3-month long event focused solely on the most valuable activity you can do in your business.  Best of all, it’s free!  Yes, there are paid offers along the way, but the event is free and there is a ton of great information given every week that you can use to keep your list growing.

Here’s what happens each week during the List-a-Palooza:

  • Weekly accountability check ins for tracking your results so that you accelerate your path to more subscribers
  • Two training calls each week with some of the world’s top listbuilding experts who share their hottest strategies and tactics with you for growing your list
  • A weekly “Power Hour” in which we all get online together at the same time to implement ONE specific list-building tactic.

Click here to sign up: List-a-Palooza

This is a great opportunity for you to focus on building your list.  By the end of the summer, you could have a lot more subscribers and that opens up many possibilities.  Join me and spend some time this summer building your list and your business.

Click here for access: List-a-Palooza

See you there!






Pinterest for Solopreneurs webinar replay

Business Marketing with PinterestA few weeks ago, I hosted Becky Sangha, creator of Business Marketing with Pinterest, for a special webinar training just for Solopreneurs.  She covered a lot of Pinterest basics and some more advanced techniques, but the entire program was tailored for Solopreneurs and designed just for my community.  Unfortunately, it was the week that Aweber had several hacker attacks and a lot of people weren’t able to sign up for the webinar.  She and I spoke about this and decided to open up the replay for a few days before she gives her bonus webinar on Friday.  This Friday’s webinar is a fast action bonus for people who were early purchasers of her system Business Marketing with Pinterest, and we’ve reopened the bonus period for anyone who wasn’t able to get on the original webinar due to Aweber problems.

Go to the link below and watch the replay before Friday afternoon.  It’s free and filled with great information on Pinterest.  Toward the end of the webinar, you’ll hear her describe her Pinterest training and fast action bonus.

Pinterest for Solopreneurs

Be sure to leave a comment and let me know what you think after you watch!



Make Your Own Luck Giveaway event

Make Your Own Luck GiveawayHere’s a quick heads up on an event I’m participating in right now:

Myself and 28 other entrepreneurs have teamed up to give you free gifts that will help you change your luck and change your life. The gifts include eBooks, audio recordings, free reports and video trainings. Everything is 100% free for you!

Head over to the Make Your Own Luck Giveaway and download everything you want.

Solopreneurs, what is your theme for 2014?

Solopreneur theme for 2014Every year, I pick a them for my business that year.  I usually don’t have to work too hard to figure it out, it just seems obvious at the time.  In this post, I’ll share my theme for 2014 and give you some tips for how to pick yours.

My theme for 2014:

Small Projects

What does this mean?  I’m committing this year to getting many small projects done instead of a few big ones.  I made this choice for a few reasons:

  • It’s something different than I’ve done in the past
  • I have loads of ideas for small projects that haven’t gotten done, so this theme will help clear the backlog
  • It’s exciting and energizing to finish something and launch it and I want to feel that sense of excitement more this year
  • It will shake things up regularly for me
  • It will make me more likely to spot opportunities for quick projects

I first got started with this idea when I launched my first Kindle book.  It came together pretty quickly and I was thrilled when it was done.  Late last year, my peer mastermind switched to meeting every 3 weeks from every 4.  It started simply because of schedules, but we realized we got a lot done with a 3 week focus and were forced to come up with commitments that we could complete in the shorter time frame.  As it continued, I started to enjoy completing things more often and decided to make this the way I do business in 2014.

So what’s on tap for these small projects?  Look for more books, more free downloads, and more training events on focused topics.

How can you pick your theme for 2014?  Here are a few tips:

  • It should be something that excites you
  • Your theme should move your business ahead
  • Your theme for the year should fill a hole in your business or add a missing element
  • Pick something that will be a stretch for you so that you can grow as a person as well as grow your business
  • I generally pick a new theme each year, but it’s your theme so if you want to repeat it feel free to do it
  • Make sure you pick something that is good for you and your business, and not just what someone else says

So, we are well into January and it’s time to pick your theme for the year.  What’s yours?  Tell me in the comments.




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